Internal site optimization

Andrii Androshchuk
9 min readJan 21, 2023


Internal optimization of the site is one of the types of search engine optimization of the site, namely, a set of works on the site aimed at improving the position of the site, according to keywords in the output (SERP) of search engines. And it is the first step that an SEO specialist takes when promoting a site, without which it is very difficult to get into the TOP, in medium and highly competitive niches.

Carrying out internal optimization on the site should lead to an increase in incoming targeted traffic and improve the position of the site in the results of organic search engine results. Therefore, the main task of internal optimization is to help search engines better understand the site and identify its keywords for which specific pages should be displayed.

What is internal site optimization?

In simple words, this is work with those areas of the site that you can directly influence and optimize them. The main factors include:

  • Finding and using keywords
  • Creating relevant content
  • Image optimization
  • Improvement of E-A-T factors
  • Creation of outbound and internal links between site pages
  • Writing title and description meta tags
  • Creation of a clear site structure
  • Development of the mobile version of the site
  • Ensuring stable and fast operation of the web resource


Using keywords is the best way to show search engines that the site’s content is relevant to specific queries and that users will find answers to their questions on your resource.

The process of optimizing the content on the site just assumes that the keywords from the user’s request are present in the title, texts or headings of the pages of your site.

In order to start working with keywords, it is necessary to collect and create a semantic core of the site, group keywords into clusters and develop a content plan for writing material for them.

This approach will help avoid problems with keyword cannibalization, as well as create a well-thought-out site structure.


Some tips for using and searching for keywords:

  • Use special tools: today there are many different services and programs for searching for keywords that simplify this process. Google Keyword Planner, SEMRush, Serpstat, SE Ranking, etc. With their help, you will be able to find keywords for organic search, with high frequency, but low competition.
  • Create and maintain a blog: I certainly doubt very much that there will be any companies left in 2022 that do not have an informative blog. This is a great opportunity to use articles to improve the thematic coverage of the site for previously selected keywords.
  • One or more words per post: optimize each page and its content for only one keyword. You can use a group of several words, but in the case that they are very close in meaning and can compete with each other if you separate them into several articles.
  • Check keyword intent: Be sure to check the intent of user queries before starting to optimize your page. Enter the desired Google keyword and check the first page of output. Google always shows what people want to see. For example, effective local site promotion is impossible without a clear understanding of whether or not users plan to visit your business in the future.

Placement of keywords on the page

Search engines use keywords as indicators that help to understand what content on the site is relevant to user requests.

It is important to place keywords not only in the text, but also in other structural elements of the pages:

  • Title: this is the title of the page, it is recommended to place keywords as close as possible to the beginning, but I don’t see the point in this.
  • Description: the description that, together with the page title, forms a snippet and is displayed in the SERP results.
  • Heading H1: the name of the page that is displayed on the site and is located above the publication.
  • In the first 100 words: Don’t forget to use your keyword in the first hundred words or first paragraph.
  • Headings H2 — H4: Mandatory use of keywords in 2–3 H2 headings, further optional.
  • File Name and Image Alt Text: Both factors are used by Google to rank images.
  • Page URL: Keep it as short and succinct as possible.
  • Anchor text: Use keywords as anchors for internal and external (much less often!) links.

Quality and structured content

It is necessary to create material that, firstly, will meet the requirements of search engines, and secondly, will be easy to read and will be understandable for users.

The following recommendations will help to maintain this balance:

  • Use short sentences. No need to try to describe everything you want in one complicated sentence. It is better to break it into several parts that will be easier for the reader to understand.
  • Separate text with paragraphs. A solid wall of monotonous text will make it difficult to perceive the material. So use paragraphs, logically grouping them into 3–4 sentences.
  • Be sure to use headings and subheadings. Build a logical structure of the material by dividing it into parts, using headings H1, H2, H3, etc. This will help both the readers and the search engine to better understand what it is about. The correct structure of the pages is also important because then your content will be able to get into the fragments of Google’s answers.
  • Don’t overuse keywords. Distribute keywords logically throughout the text and don’t use them where it looks illogical. In the case of keyword spamming, the search engine can simply pessimize your material and lower it in the search results.
  • Use bulleted lists. Another way of structuring the material, which will help improve its perception by both users and search engine robots.

Images and video content

Using images, videos or infographics will not only make your page attractive, but can also improve behavioral factors and the overall level of interest of site visitors.

More than 36% of users already use image search. So, if you don’t pay attention to this direction, you may be missing out on additional traffic.

Follow the detailed instructions that will help you properly optimize the images on the site. Some tips for this process:

  • Reduce the weight of images: use modern formats such as WebP or JPG. They allow you to reduce the weight of pictures by 75–95% with almost no loss of quality.
  • Add alt text: This is a text alternative to your image that will appear on the screen if the browser is unable to load the image. * * But much more importantly, the Alt title is used by search engines to better understand what exactly is depicted in the picture and is a factor in the ranking of images, so be sure to use keywords when writing it.
  • Optimize the file name: it should be written in Latin letters and contain a keyword or phrase.
  • Use unique and useful images: each image should correspond to the content on the page, complement it and bring value to site visitors. You should also not use other people’s images downloaded from the Internet if you want to appear in the Google image search results.

E-A-T factors

Expertise, Authority and Credibility. This is an algorithm by which search engines evaluate the quality of content and the authority of your site.

It should be considered as a set of factors that significantly affect the site’s rating. How can you try to describe the requirements of this algorithm for the site and the material:

  • Authority and competence
  • Positive reputation and reliability
  • High-quality and useful content for users, created by qualified and competent specialists.

It is worth noting that the internal and external optimization of the site is aimed at working with these metrics and improving them.

External improves them with the help of backlinks, internal optimization of the site does it due to a large amount of thematic content and internal links.

Internal links between site pages

It is high-quality internal linking of the site that significantly affects the parameters of E-A-T. Their task is to connect several pages that are part of one topic. The more content you publish, the better you can link it together with internal links.

When creating both external and internal anchor links, it is important to use the correct text descriptions. For the Google search engine, this will be a signal that your resource is well specialized in a specific topic and the user will be able to find answers to their questions and even more.

Description and title of the page

Effective internal optimization of the site involves the analysis and correct writing of the main meta-tags. Because these important elements largely determine whether a user will go to your site from the SERP results.


Follow the basic rules of writing title and description when optimizing site pages.

The title of your article or page should reflect what the user can find on it as completely and correctly as possible. There is no need to mislead visitors if the material does not match the title of the article.

Tips for writing a title:

  • The number of characters is 50–60, no more than 7–8 words.
  • Contains the keyword for which the content of the page is optimized.
  • Clearly describes the topic of the post and how it will help the user solve their problem.
  • Contains words that increase the value of your product.


Today, the description no longer affects the ranking of the site in search engines, and does not affect the ranking of the site or its position. So it should be used exclusively as an opportunity to improve the site’s CTR.

Recommendations for writing a description:

  • It consists of 150–160 characters.
  • Contains one keyword in different word forms.
  • Best describes the content of the page.
  • It consists of 2–3 simple sentences.
  • Helps to attract attention and interest of users.

Logical website architecture

The right architecture is important for your resource for two reasons:

  • A logical and clear structure of the website will ensure more efficient scanning and improve the indexing of the site pages
    It will provide better navigation and a positive user experience when interacting with website pages
  • The best option today is precisely the hierarchical structure of the site, which allows users to easily find the information they need, and for the search engine, your site will look logical and structured.

Site loading speed

This is one of the key factors affecting the site’s rating. The low speed of the site will lead to the fact that users will simply close it, which in turn will negatively affect the position and search ranking of the website.

The recommended site loading speed, according to the Google Core Web Vitals report, is constantly changing and today it should not exceed 2.5 seconds.

In short, the download speed can be reduced as follows:

  • Optimize images.
  • Use browser cache.
  • Reduce the number of redirects.
  • Enable data compression.

Adaptability and mobile version of the website

According to the latest statistics for 2021, the volume of Internet traffic from mobile devices was 54% of the total volume. Therefore, it is only logical that search engines prioritize sites with responsive design when we talk about search results from mobile devices.

Yes, it is still possible to achieve high results without a mobile version, but trends strongly suggest that it is the future of search traffic.


Internal optimization of the site is one of the three main areas that ensure effective promotion of the site. It consists of the following processes:

  • Working with keywords
  • Optimization of texts and content according to the requirements of the search engine
  • Optimization of images and video materials
  • Working with internal links
  • Working with E-A-T factors
  • Creating the right website architecture
  • Correct use of title and description meta tags
  • Improving the speed of the site
  • Creation of a mobile version of the site



Andrii Androshchuk
Andrii Androshchuk

Written by Andrii Androshchuk

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